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Quality is the lifeblood of an enterprise

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Quality is the lifeblood of an enterprise

Release date:2018-04-09 Author: Click:

  Quality is the life; safety zero accident, the quality of zero defect; the pursuit of excellence, striving for excellence; details determine success or failure, etc., these quality concepts are now deeply rooted in each of our tripod people's minds, rooted to our work every Links and details of which, in October this year, the company far-sighted launched the "quality of the month" activities, the purpose is to promote the month, is to let the majority of employees form "every day is the quality of the month, the month is the quality of the month, Is the quality of the year "state of mind.

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  In the current high-speed social development, competitive environment, a business to want to survive, and development, first of all to build first-class quality, first-class products, first-class products to win customers trust and favor, the only way To achieve its greatest value, in the changing market waves, the wind and waves, overcoming all obstacles, but not down.

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  As the saying goes, "born in the hardships, died of happiness", the company in the quality management process will always hold this sense of urgency, because a small negligence, a not standardized operation, may make the entire process caused a large area Quality landslides, therefore, intentions, with the brain, with the action to do every quality control, we are boundless for each tripod people! The pursuit of endless, so that the production line of perfect quality checks to accept the severe test from the market.

This article URL:http://www.h2041.cn/en/news/357.html

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