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Manager:Jerry Cao

Add: The Middle of Weijiao Road, Fangzi District, Weifang City, Shandong Province,China.

Zip code: 261200

Website: www.sddingliang.com

Ten years wind and rain road, ding liang cast brilliant

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Ten years wind and rain road, ding liang cast brilliant

Release date:2018-04-10 Author: Click:

  Since its establishment in 2005, shandong dingliang group has grown from a dozen employees to more than 800 employees, from a humble office to a modern office building with modern facilities, and from an obscure small factory to a leader in the industry.

Dry powder fire extinguishers manufacturers

A brief shadow of the 10th anniversary celebration of shandong dingliang group

  Shandong dingliang group has entered the track of rapid development. In recent years, dingliang has achieved gratifying results in brand image building, sales channel development and terminal network construction, which is universally recognized in the industry.

  Dingliang advocates that "every little thing of customers is the big thing of dingliang people", emphasizes the brand concept, innovates the brand strategy, and gradually enhances the brand awareness.

  Dingliang promises: "let the products of dingliang spread all over the corners of the construction project, and make the products of dingliang become the pillar of the world."

Dry powder fire extinguishers manufacturers

A brief shadow of the 10th anniversary celebration of shandong dingliang group

  Dingliang believes that with the faith of "co-creation, win-win and sharing", dingliang will work with the dealers to advance hand in hand and create a better future for dingliang. Let dingliang become the immortal legend of this industry.

This article URL:http://www.h2041.cn/en/news/359.html

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