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Fire extinguisher manufacturer explains the classification of grooved pipe fittings

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Fire extinguisher manufacturer explains the classification of grooved pipe fittings

Release date:2018-04-10 Author: Click:

Dry powder fire extinguisher manufacturer

Shandong dingliang fire control technology co., LTD., a manufacturer of fire extinguishers in shandong, explains the classification and introduction of various grooved pipe fittings:

Epoxy resin resin powder is usually applied to ductile iron grooved pipe fittings.

However, this kind of pipe fitting is not mature in the process of hot-rolled groove pipe fittings, because the adhesion of the plastic inside is not as good as that of hot-rolled groove pipe fittings. The hot-rolled groove pipe fitting is a kind of PE with high temperature composite cold and hot water inside the groove pipe fitting. The adhesive force is quite strong. If you do destructive test with a knife, you will find that it is difficult to cut off the inner lining PE layer of the pipe fitting made by the hot-rolled plastic process. And the ordinary plastic coated grooved pipe fittings, the epoxy resin used in them, even in the construction of the very easy to fall down phenomenon.

Liner groove pipe fitting is a kind of composite pipe fitting formed by injecting PP with injection molding machine inside groove pipe fitting.

However, due to the high cost of mold opening, few manufacturers in the Chinese mainland market currently adopt this method. However, because there is no plastic at the end of pipe fitting, iron will still contact with water, and the corrosion resistance is not ideal, which is a product with fatal defects. Meanwhile, there are fewer items to be produced.

Two popular methods are coating or rolling. They are sometimes referred to as linings in general. However, even with plastic coating and rolling, there are essential differences between the two in process and use effect.

Epoxy resin resin powder is usually applied to ductile iron grooved pipe fittings.

However, this kind of pipe fitting is not mature in the process of hot-rolled groove pipe fittings, because the adhesion of the plastic inside is not as good as that of hot-rolled groove pipe fittings.

The hot-rolled plastic grooved pipe fittings are PE with high temperature combined with cold and hot water in the grooved pipe fittings. The adhesive force is quite strong.

For pipe fittings made by hot rolling process, the inner lining PE layer is difficult to be cut off.

And the ordinary plastic coated grooved pipe fittings, the epoxy resin used in them, even in the construction of the very easy to fall down phenomenon.

This article URL:http://www.h2041.cn/en/news/360.html

Related tags:Drypowderfireextinguishermanufacturer,fireextinguishermanufacturerquotation,shandongfireextinguishermanufacturer

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