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Fire extinguishers manufacturers popularize the dangers of fake fire equipment

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Fire extinguishers manufacturers popularize the dangers of fake fire equipment

Release date:2018-04-13 Author: Click:

Address of fire extinguisher manufacturer

Fire extinguisher manufacturer experiment tells you, counterfeit fire extinguisher harm has how big! Firefighters set fire to an empty iron bucket with about 200 milligrams of gasoline. Then he randomly selected a fire extinguisher from a fake fire product to put out the fire.

Fake fire extinguishers harm is very big, how does everybody distinguish true fire equipment in choose and buy?

1. Weight identification:

According to relevant regulations, the total weight of dry powder fire extinguishers under 3kg should not be more than 3%, and the total weight of dry powder fire extinguishers above 3kg should not be more than 2%. For example, the minimum weight of a 5kg fire extinguisher should not be less than 4.9kg.

2. Appearance identification:

In general, there are three color areas on fire extinguisher pressure gauges.

When the pointer points to the red zone, it indicates that the dry powder pressure value in the fire extinguisher is relatively small, indicating that the fire extinguisher has failed. Should go to normal fire equipment store recharge dry powder.

When the pointer is in the green area, it indicates that the pressure is normal and can be used normally.

When the pointer is in the yellow area, it indicates that the dry powder in the fire extinguisher is under too much pressure. Although it can be sprayed out, there is a risk of explosion and explosion.

3. Date verification:

At the bottom of the dry powder fire extinguisher there is a series of steel print number is the end date of the product! Do not use this fire extinguisher if it is found to be over the date.

4. Log on the official website for enquiries

Log on the website of China fire control product information network or the fire control product evaluation center of the ministry of public security, input the 14-digit code on the "id card" for query, check whether the products purchased belong to the products registered on the website, and all products with the record are generally qualified products.

In case of fire, fire protection products are the "protection umbrella" for escape and self-rescue. Fake and inferior fire protection products can not effectively save fire, help escape, or even encourage the expansion of fire.

This article URL:http://www.h2041.cn/en/news/366.html

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