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Chinas Ding Liang, industry leader

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Chinas Ding Liang, industry leader

Release date:2018-04-13 Author: Click:

  Since its commissioning in 08 years, it has developed into the largest in Weifang, and sales in China have been far ahead in 07 years. As the leader and weathervane of the industry, Ding Liang did not take pride in his work and did not stop. However, he concentrated on studying, focusing on quality, continuous improvement and continuous improvement.

  Ding Liang recently grasps the product quality, the mold design is more reasonable and beautiful, the product surface smoothness is greatly improved. The product logo is clearer and the three-dimensional sense is stronger. Starting from the details, the tripod beam fittings will truly become the famous brand in the industry and the best quality in the pipe fittings.

  The lining of the tripod and beam has been used in the paint process, using resin waterborne paint that meets international standards. The paint is non-toxic, tasteless, and contains no heavy metals. It is harmless to the human body. Now the color has also turned to orange for fire prevention.

Seven years of grinding a sword, Ding Liang cast industry to improve the quality of the quality of internal work, to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, with the quality of products, using market share to prove the company in the manufacturing industry "Chinese real Kungfu", become enterprise Kung Fu "Shi Xiaolong".

  "The grand pass is just like iron, but now step from scratch" to build the first-class brand of the industry, to the market, each of the tripod and beam products are committed to the heroic promise of "a word of words and nine tripod, good faith under the world". Ding Liang, as the leader of the industry, will write the same industry, the same products, different tripod beams! !

This article URL:http://www.h2041.cn/en/news/367.html

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