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Fire extinguisher manufacturer



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New factory area, new future

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New factory area, new future

Release date:2018-04-17 Author: Click:

Dry powder extinguisher manufacturer's quotation

  Recently, entering the new factory area of the Jiulong Fire Technology Co., Ltd., a clean road, a brand new office building and a modern car make people feel a bright eye. In the new factory area of 50 mu, the young shoots of willow branches in spring are flourishing.

  Shandong Ding Liang fire science and Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the most powerful fire products manufacturers in China. Recently, the Kowloon plant area of the company has been formally put into operation. Advanced equipment and sufficient production space have brought efficiency improvement to the company.

Dry powder extinguisher manufacturer's quotation

  The quality management slogans and columns, such as "grasping safety, heavy quality, high starting point and strict requirements", are all visible in the factory, which make the company change from the top to the bottom, from the leadership management to the ordinary workers, and the modern continuous span workshop is more smooth, scientific, and fine management. The conditions are created.

Dry powder extinguisher manufacturer's quotation

  Entering the workshop, one of the most advanced and highly automated production lines in China makes people feel shocking, using strict quality control standards and scientific management methods, more smooth technology and more advanced equipment, which brings about the improvement of efficiency.

Dry powder extinguisher manufacturer's quotation

  The full commissioning of the new plant is another milestone in the history of the company's development and is a new starting point. On the new development platform, we have the determination, we also have the confidence to further strengthen the fire industry, accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading, for the development of fire fighting, and make greater contribution to the economic development of Fangzi and Weifang.

This article URL:http://www.h2041.cn/en/news/370.html

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