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Fire extinguishers manufacturers popularize fire fighting methods

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Fire extinguishers manufacturers popularize fire fighting methods

Release date:2018-04-25 Author: Click:

Fire extinguishers manufacturers wholesale

Fire extinguisher manufacturers to popularize fire fighting methods:

According to the burning principle, the principle of all fire extinguishing methods is to spray the extinguishing agent directly to the burning object. Or spray the extinguishing agent on the substance near the fire source so that it does not form a new fire point due to the thermal radiation of the flame.

1. Cooling fire extinguishing method the principle of this fire extinguishing method is to directly spray the extinguishing agent on the burning object, so as to reduce the burning temperature below the burning point and stop the burning. Or spray the extinguishing agent on the substance near the fire source so that it does not form a new fire point due to the thermal radiation of the flame. Cooling fire extinguishing method is one of the main methods of fire extinguishing. The extinguishing agent does not participate in the chemical reaction during the fire extinguishing process. This method belongs to physical extinguishing method.

2. Separate fire fighting method

The method of isolating and extinguishing fire is to separate or remove the burning material from the surrounding unburned combustible material, interrupt the supply of combustible material, and stop the burning due to lack of combustible material. Specific methods include:

1) remove inflammable, inflammable, explosive and combustion-supporting articles near the fire source;

2) close the valves of combustible gas and liquid pipelines to reduce and prevent combustible materials from entering the combustion zone;

3) try to block the flow of inflammable and combustible liquids;

4) remove inflammable buildings adjacent to the fire source and form a space zone to prevent the fire from spreading.

3. Smothering method

Asphyxiation extinguishing method is to prevent the air from flowing into the burning area or to extinguish the fire by using the non-burning area or diluting the air with the non-combustible material, so that the combustion substance cannot get enough oxygen. The specific approach is:

1) cover the burner with non-combustible or non-combustible materials such as sand, cement, wet sacks and wet cotton quilt;

2) spray mist water, dry powder, foam and other extinguishing agents to cover the burner;

3) use water vapor or inert gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide to inject vessels and equipment in case of fire;

4) spray non-combustible gas or non-combustible liquid onto the burner area or the burner.

This article URL:http://www.h2041.cn/en/news/379.html

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